I’m Back (and graduated!)

Hey everyone. It has been such a long year. I just realised I write one post once a year. Oops. I think I should update more often. Anyways, so many things happened at the end of 2018 and I have moved from one state to another earlier this year, so it hasn’t been easy to adjust to life here. I’m officially living alone again, as opposed to living with my sister last year. I really miss her a lot.

Just one major update in my life: I finally graduated from university with a Bachelor of Commerce degree! Woohoo! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ I studied Marketing and Management as my majors and thoroughly enjoyed studying the subjects. In my university, we were allowed to choose some subjects which are not related to our majors so I took some cultural and cinema studies subjects and it reminded me of how much I wanted to do media and communication as well as film studies. Ahh I really wanted to do graphic design as well! Anyways, I have graduated after three long years of assignments, group works (and terrible free riders) as well as sleepless nights! I will make a post regarding my graduation day (as well as the dinner) since there are so many incidents I want to share with you all.

So at this moment in time, you might wonder, what am I currently doing after studying?Yeap, I’m up for more studying to do. A small reveal about myself: I just turned 20 this year and currently pursuing my Masters. Yes, studying Masters at age 20 always surprise people around me because most people in my Masters degree are so experienced and brilliant and I really have so much to learn from them. I will probably leave this part for another post since I actually have a lot of comments regarding my age, my studies, and my insecurities which derive from these two factors. Ugh, I sound so academic right now and this is supposed to be an informal post. Anyways, I have much to post regarding my aspirations and career as well as my dating life (yes it is still as ‘sucky’ as ever and I embarrassed myself a few times over).

So I’m currently finished with my first trimester and I have three more ‘trimesters’ to go! Exams are coming so soon and I have been so unmotivated these days. Studying Masters is different from undergraduate studies. When I see undergraduate students, I’m just like you guys better enjoy your three years together because you ain’t gonna be together after university. And I find undergraduate students always so energetic and lively (I guess I was never like that even back in my undergrad) while in masters, I’m already half-dead inside with the amount of note-taking and presentations!

Anyways, I will stop my ranting for now and I will write a few more posts in the next few weeks. I hope everyone is doing well and if you’re not, don’t worry. Everyone has bad days and I am certainly not an exception (as I’m quite the pessimistic person). If you are in a bad mood or have a bad day, cry it out or talk to someone, or write your feelings out, just like I do here. You are the one in control of your emotions. If you’re not happy, find things that make you happy, even a funny video of a cat will do! If you’re happy these days, I’m glad that you are and hope you will stay that way.

Be happy everyone ♡ I will try to be happy as well! Take care all!

Signing off,

Mint /(・ ᆺ ・)\♡

Note: I just realised I never had the time to post an Orange (Part 2). I will get to that soon and along with it, I will add two stories to the mix: the Giraffe guy and smiley guy or should I make a post for each? Hmm…I will think about it and get to it soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)